

Protecting the company from legal issues.

Job characteristics and introduction

Business direction collaborator
The legal department's job is to protect the company's assets from legal risks and support solutions for legal disputes. The legal profession protects the company from legal risks and supports solutions for legal disputes. It supports the company in various ways such as contract drafting, M&A, investigations from public institutions and governments, litigation and consulting, and responds with the goal of minimizing the company's legal risks in the future. In addition, the legal team conducts internal training within the company to prevent potential legal issues in advance Through this, the legal team is helping the company to prevent unforeseen damages and to come up with reasonable solutions.

Required competencies

Civil and criminal legal knowledge
The legal risks that a company faces are based on the laws applicable to the related industry and these laws are all based on civil and criminal laws. To interpret these laws, the members must rely on knowledge related to civil and criminal law. The aforementioned legal knowledge will be of great help in deriving the most favourable interpretation and rational solution for the company based on it.
Communication and principles
The legal profession involves a lot of collaboration with various teams, and there are often differences in organizational culture and terminology used by each team. In the legal profession, it is important to have communication skills to be able to communicate with various people, including those who may be in conflict. However, if the level of empathy is excessive and leads to emotional alignment with the other party in handling the business, it can be detrimental to the company. Therefore, it would be appropriate to work with an attitude of adhering to one's principles as much as possible when performing legal duties.

Job Interview

Analyzing and reviewing legal risks related to business in advance and afterwards to minimize legal risks.

Samyang Holdings Legal Affairs Team

Q1 Please introduce this job and explain what tasks are mainly performed in the position.
Legal affairs are responsible for analyzing and reviewing legal risks related to domestic and international business, transactions, etc., in advance and after the fact, in order to minimize future legal risks. Before entering into a contract, we identify and assess risks associated with the transaction, and provide specific measures regarding areas of particular concern. Even after contract execution, if a dispute arises, we provide support for follow-up measures, such as evidence of the contents, agreements, litigation, etc. If a dispute arises even after the contract is signed, the legal team supports follow-up responses through methods such as documentation, negotiation, and litigation. In addition, it refers to the tasks of supporting various dispute resolutions, such as Fair Trade Commission investigations against the company, and recommending the use of standard contract forms.
Q2 What are the competencies required to perform this job?
The most important competency required for legal affairs is undoubtedly legal knowledge, and civil law is the most important area of law among all legal fields. If you have a solid foundation in civil law, it will be very helpful in understanding other laws since many laws are built upon civil law. In addition, since the legal takes are related to various fields of work, applying common sense that one has known so far can help understand the relevant legal system. In addition, since this work requires attention to detail, it is important to perform the work with a calm attitude.
Q3 Please say a word to the juniors who will pursue their dreams in this job.
Legal affairs support the resolution and prevention of various disputes and solve various legal issues of the company. As a legal expert, I can increase my understanding of various departments through diverse work experiences and develop insight into overall company management. While it may seem that the legal department has a higher barrier to entry compared to other departments due to the need for legal knowledge, there are certainly advantages for professionals with relevant majors related to the company's business. Therefore, if you have no aversion to acquiring new knowledge and have a tendency to give advice or help to those around you, we recommend applying for a legal position.
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Posted on March 28, 2023

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