
We strive to protect the environment for the future we envision.

Making our business activities eco-friendly is a mission we take seriously. We are dedicated to making continuous efforts in identifying and addressing elements that impact the environment to protect our planet and make life more abundant and convenient for mankind.

& Combating
Climate Change

We are resolute in our determination to practice environmentally-friendly business management and take part in the combat against climate change.

Under the principle that no one is exempted from the responsibility to tackle climate change, environmentally-friendly practices have become an essential and standard part of business management. Major countries around the world are requesting for the active participation of businesses in eco-friendly policies and climate change issues, and environment-related regulations are getting increasingly stricter. Against this backdrop, it has become imperative for businesses to analyze the global environment trends and establish preemptive response measures. Samyang Group is dedicated to creating a prosperous lifestyle while protecting the planet by carrying out business activities that bring abundance and convenience to the life of mankind.

Environmentally-Friendly Business Management

Samyang Group is an active participant in the global movement to save the planet. We make continuous efforts to find and improve elements that impact the environment to bring more abundance and convenience to the life of mankind while protecting the planet. We earnestly comply with domestic environmental laws and regulations, other requirements related to the company, and our internal environment regulations. We are committed to preventing environmental accidents, such as leakage of pollutants or fire, by preventing and minimizing potential risk factors that can have a detrimental effect on the environment. Furthermore, to uphold our eco-friendly business management principles, we train all our employees and business partners to raise their awareness of the importance of environmental protection and share preventive measures against environmental accidents.

Strategies for promoting eco-friendly management

  • Response to
    Net Zero

    Expanded the use of renewable energy

    Energy conversion activities to reduce GHGs

    Carbon neutrality by 2050

    Joining RE100

    Introduction of GHG reduction technology

  • Strengthening the Circular
    Economy System

    Increased waste recycling rate

    Reduced water usage

    Efforts to reduce air pollutants

    Efforts to reduce hazardous chemicals

    Developed recycling technology and expanded investments

  • Strengthening the
    Management System

    Established ESG Committee and dedicated teams

    Straticized the product environment

    Strengthened ISO14001 certification

    Strengthened employees’ awareness of eco-friendly management

    Company-wide goal management

Environment Management Policy

Samyang Group established the Environmental Management Guidelines for application to all corporate affairs, set up goals based on the Guidelines, and is endeavoring to attain these goals. In addition, Samyang Group expresses its commitment to eco-friendly management by actively communicating with various stakeholders.

We Diligently comply with external and internal laws, regulations and requirements related to the environment.

We minimize the emission of environmental pollutants and actively practice waste reduction and recycling.

We quickly remove risk factors related to environmental and safety accidents and assess these factors through routine environmental and safety inspections.

We conduct periodic and effective education and training on environmental and safety issues, cultivating environmental and safety awareness.

We minimize the environmental impact of products during the stages of design, manufacture, sale, transportation, and service to practice green and sustainable management, contributing to the environmental preservation of local communities.

Combating Climate Change

With environmentally-friendly business management highlighted as the key element of ESG, the pressure from domestic and overseas investment institutions and the international community towards businesses to address climate change is getting increasingly stronger. To tackle climate change and achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, Samyang Group has designed the 2050 Carbon Neutrality Roadmap in accordance with the Corporate Net-Zero Standard of SBTi, a joint initiative of WWF, CDP, UNGC and WRI. In addition, we are developing business strategies related to renewable energy to meet the increasing demands for energy sources that can replace conventional resources, such as oil and coal, to mitigate climate change.

2050 Carbon Neutrality Roadmap
  • Reduce 20%

  • Reduce 50%

  • Reduce 100%

  • Transition to renewable energy

  • Active carbon emission reduction efforts

  • Energy efficiency improvement

  • Development of eco-friendly products

Efforts to Reduce Environmental Impact
  • Water Management

    We take global water resource issues seriously and make continuous efforts to reduce water usage and wastewater discharge.
  • Air Pollutant Management

    We are determined to reduce the environmental impact of air pollutants and ensure that our air pollutant concentration is below the legal limit.
  • Energy Management

    Our greenhouse gas management system provides data that allows us to manage our targeted and actual energy consumption levels. Using the system, we set energy reduction targets for our production plants on an annual basis.

Managing Waste
& Hazardous

We remove hazardous elements to minimize environmental impact.

With the increasing demand for waste recycling and more diversified and stricter laws on the use and handling of chemical substances, the need to manage waste and hazardous chemical substances effectively is higher than ever. Against this backdrop, Samyang Group is ensuring safe handling of waste, proper waste separation, and reduction of waste to minimize the impact on the environment. We also established the Hazardous Chemical Substances Management Procedure to remove hazardous elements throughout the entire process of the development, utilization and disposal of chemical substances.

Waste Management

  • Waste Reduction

    To reduce waste and prevent environmental impact, we established waste management policies for each of our worksite for effective waste management.
  • Waste Storage and Management

    We separate waste according to waste type and dispose of them at the designated location. We also carry out inspections on waste storage and management and take corrective actions when there are violations in accordance with our correction and prevention procedure.

Hazardous Chemical Substance Handling and Management

Samyang Group handles hazardous chemical substances in accordance with the Hazardous Chemical Substance Management Procedure implemented at each worksite to manage potential environmental risks. We store hazardous chemical substances in designated storage and facilities in a safe way and dispose of them according to the hazardous chemical substances handling standards. In addition, we regularly conduct rigorous inspections when installing facilities that handle hazardous chemical substances, and provide information, guidance and technical support to our suppliers to ensure the safe management of chemical substances. We will continue monitoring and managing our activities to minimize the discharge of hazardous chemical substances into the environment.

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Posted on March 28, 2023

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